Herewith frequently asked questions and answers. If you have further queries please complete the 'Message Field' on our 'Contact Us' page and we will get back to you.


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Arrow Image        Q:   How can we achieve optimised energy consumption?
               A:   Optimising energy consumption means that all aspects of furnace operation must receive the necessary attention.
                        The areas are as follows:
                        a) Furnace design/furnace profile.
                        b) High tech control system.
                        c) Excellent combustion at the burners.
                        d) Well defined and executed delay strategies.
                        e) Excellent furnace refractory, burner and mechanical maintenance.
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Arrow Image        Q:  How much time should be made available for the yearly shut-down?
                A:   In our opinion the furnace can be repaired in 5 to 7 working days. This excludes the 2 days
                         for cooling down and 3 days for heating up.

Arrow Image       Q:   What do you understand under optimum combustion?

              A:   Optimum combustion should achieve the highest possible flame temperatures. This in turn
                       will give the highest heat transfer to the rolling stock. The heating media (gas/oil),
                       combustion air pre-heat and optimised oxygen control will determine the maximum
obtainable flame temperature.

Arrow Image       Q:  What is a good energy consumption on a reheating furnace?

              A:  The energy consumption depends largely on the stock extraction temperatures. Usually

                        billet re-heaters have a lower extraction temperature and energy consumption varies between

                        1.0 to 1.2 GJ/ton.  Slab re-heaters normally have a higher extraction temperature and energy

                        consumption is in the area of 1.4GJ/ton.

Arrow Image       Q:   With all the modern control systems installed on the furnaces is there still room

                    for improvements?

              A:    In principle there is always room for improvements.  During investigations we usually see that the delay
                     strategies are not correctly defined and applied. Operators often  have a very lenient approach towards inputting
                     and updating the relevant information. This does not only lead to unnecessary high energy inputs during furnace
                     idling times but also creates a thick scale layer. Usually the scale losses have a higher monetary value than the
                     energy input.