Reheat and Energy, heating furnaces, furnace operation, furnace, maintenance, Patch Furnaces, Roller Hearth Furnaces, Rotary furnaces, Walking Hearth Furnaces, Pusher Furnaces with and without skid systems
35 years of experience on Reheat Furnaces for the steel and non ferrous metal industry.
• Pusher furnaces with and without skid systems.
• Walking Beam Furnaces.
• Walking Hearth Furnaces.
• Rotary furnaces.
• Roller Hearth Furnaces.
• Patch Furnaces.
Core Competency:
At Reheat and Energy Consultants we are specialising in a hands on approach to our customer's operational, maintenance and refractory problems. As we are not selling any furnace components we always try to develop cheap but effective solutions. The question "New reheating furnace or modernise existing furnace" is often a question that needs an input from an independent person. Our company has done such projects and proven that a 50 year old furnace can have the same performance than a new furnace.
Languages spoken:
• English • Afrikaans
• German • Flemish
Office located in Vanderbijlpark, Republic of South Africa
Detailed design + meticulous supervision = excellent Results
Please use our "contact us" page to request any specifications or infomation required.